Express Entry draw was announced on 20 August 2019, just eight days after the previous draw. It was an unexpected announcement as generally the Draws are announced by the IRCC in a gap of 15 days. The current draw invited 3600 applications, and the CRS cut off was set at 457 points.
Key highlights of the Draw
This draw was conducted in the gap of eight days only as opposed to general 15 days. The previous draw took place on 12 August 2019 and cut off of 466 points was required. However, this time the CRS cut off has seen a considerable drop with 457 points requirement. But, ITAs requirements remained consistent like the other four times with 3600 applications sent an invite. The CRS score cut off asked in the latest draw is also the lowest cut off asked since May 2019. Further, just like the other times, this time as well the tie break rule was applied for the profiles submitted before 24 March 2019 at 15: 32: 42 UTC. Also, with the latest draw, the ITAs issued in 2019 has reached 56, 200 so far.
Ontario has issued 997 invitations to Express Entry Candidates on 15 August 2019. In the provincial Draw of Ontario, the applicants with the Comprehensive Ranking System score from 439 to 465 were shortlisted. The shortlisted candidates were asked to have experience in one of the 10 targeted occupations.
The occupation list
This draw was conducted as a part of the Human Capital Priorities Stream, thus a job offer is not required. The selected applicants are eligible for 600 bonus points in the Express Entry System.
There have been 950 candidates selected through the Arrima System for the Quebec region. On 19 August, the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion (MIDI) issued the formal information related to immigration which included the types of immigrations and also the selection system for Quebec under the Arrima System.
The first draw was held on July 4 and 691 applicants were invited. The second draw was held on 17 July and 259 applicants were invited. There have been reforms in the Quebec immigration laws which had earlier resulted in the cancellation of 16000 pending applications. Thus, the Arrima system has been a great flagship program for relocation. Now, in the latest report, the Ministry of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion (MIDI) has confirmed that there will be a lot of rounds of invitations between now and Jan 16, 2020.